Saturday, March 31, 2012

Doubts Dispelled

Q : How do we know When we have over-indulged in Sexual Activity?
A: If one is having Sex, and the next morning notices constipation or a cold or burning sensation, or feels a dullness throughout the body, then that is a sign of too much sex.

Q: Could you elaborate on Sexual Vital Fluid in women?
A : It is the same as men only with the difference that in women it is internal. The same nerves of the penis are in the breast in women. The testicle bag is the womb. Nothing more or less.

Q : If both male and female have the same sexual vital fluid, is the quantity lost the same amount?
A : It is the same for both except that, for the ladies, it comes slower in several orgasms, whereas, the male has only one. The male sexual vital fluid is thicker, but in the women it it thinner, more like water. Actually, while inside it is the same consistency, but once hitting the air it coagulates and becomes thicker - just as blood does.

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