Thursday, March 29, 2012

Purpose of Life

Yoga is perfect understanding and implementation of a scientific formula for changing the personality in spiritual awareness. It comprises mental practice and physical discipline.
            For long we have lived on lthis earth acquiring a variety of contaminations conditioning our mind. Now, let us search and research. Instead of haphazard living, let us make ourselves into what we want to be, so that we may develop the consciousness to the fullest. That , and that alone, is the purpose of birth.
            When the mode of living is in consonance with the prupose of life, there is peace, satisfaction and happiness. Whenever there is conflict between the Purpose of Birth and the Method of Living, there are pains and miseries. So, let us find the natural rhythm in every action and in everthing. whenever there is gap, let us bridge it. For this, awareness and will power are necessary. By Meditation and introspection let us develop awareness and will-power and get enlightment and perfections so that we may stand firm despite the stresses and strains and travails and tribulations of wordly life and be as a beacon to others, radiating peace and cheer and hope…     - Maharishi

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